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Financial Forecasting, Analysis and Modelling: A Framework for Long-Term Forecasting (The Wiley Finance Series), by Michael Samonas
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Risk analysis has become critical to modern financial planning
Financial Forecasting, Analysis and Modelling provides a complete framework of long-term financial forecasts in a practical and accessible way, helping finance professionals include uncertainty in their planning and budgeting process. With thorough coverage of financial statement simulation models and clear, concise implementation instruction, this book guides readers step-by-step through the entire projection plan development process. Readers learn the tools, techniques, and special considerations that increase accuracy and smooth the workflow, and develop a more robust analysis process that improves financial strategy. The companion website provides a complete operational model that can be customized to develop financial projections or arrange of other key financial measures, giving readers an immediately-applicable tool to facilitate effective decision-making.
In the aftermath of the recent financial crisis, the need for experienced financial modelling professionals has steadily increased as organizations rush to adjust to economic volatility and uncertainty. This book provides the deeper level of understanding needed to develop stronger financial planning, with techniques tailored to real-life situations.
- Develop long-term projection plans using Excel
- Use appropriate models to develop a more proactive strategy
- Apply risk and uncertainty projections more accurately
- Master the Excel Scenario Manager, Sensitivity Analysis, Monte Carlo Simulation, and more
Risk plays a larger role in financial planning than ever before,and possible outcomes must be measured before decisions are made.Uncertainty has become a critical component in financial planning,and accuracy demands it be used appropriately. With special focus on uncertainty in modelling and planning, Financial Forecasting,Analysis and Modelling is a comprehensive guide to the mechanics of modern finance.
- Sales Rank: #525961 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-01-20
- Released on: 2015-01-20
- Format: Kindle eBook
From the Inside Flap
In today's uncertain economy, companies need to evaluate their level of risk by making informed decisions by using proper financial models that incorporate the possibilities of alternative outcomes.
Financial Forecasting, Analysis, and Modelling provides a complete framework for creating reliable long-term financial forecasts that is written in practical and accessible terms. The book includes thorough coverage of financial statement simulation models and clear, concise implementation instruction that gives finance professionals a step-by-step guide through the projection plan development process.
This comprehensive resource offers a wealth of tools, techniques, and strategies that are designed to increase accuracy and make the workflow process easier whilst helping to develop a more robust analysis process that improves financial strategy. The book's companion website (www.wiley.com/go/Samonas) includes an operational model that can be tailored to develop financial projections or a number of other important financial measures. The website is a key resource for helping professionals make immediate and effective decisions.
As the author explains, risk is playing a more central role in financial planning than ever before, and possible outcomes must be measured before decisions are made. Uncertainty has become a critical component in financial planning, and accuracy demands it be used appropriately. With special focus on uncertainty in modelling and planning, Financial Forecasting, Analysis, and Modelling is a comprehensive guide to the fundamentals of modern finance.
Financial Forecasting, Analysis, and Modelling gives financial modelers, financial planning & analysis managers, credit officers to business owners and entrepreneurs a vital resource for meeting the challenges of today's volatile economy.
From the Back Cover
Praise for Financial Forecasting, Analysis, and Modelling
"Modeling is one of the tools that you need in your tool kit to do valuation, and this book will help you get more facile with that tool".
—Aswath Damodaran, Professor of Finance at the Stern School of Business at New York University (Kerschner Family Chair in Finance Education)
"An excellent and unique piece of work clearly done by someone who does not only have a deep sectoral but also a comprehensive knowledge of the subject".
—Marios T. Kyriacou, Senior Partner of KPMG
"This book is an excellent guide to financial forecasting, analysis and modelling, covering key areas well and providing thoroughly worked examples that are clear and helpful. I consider this being a most useful book for the novice and the professional alike".
—Vassili Christidis, CEO, Euler Hermes Hellas
"This book builds around a full-length case study of a real world company and walks readers through all the steps of developing a sophisticated financial model which includes business valuation and applied Monte Carlo analysis. The author is clearly intimately familiar with financial modelling, a craft that is nowadays a prerequisite for the finance practitioner".
—Daniel Benardout, Member of the Board of Governors of Technion Israel Institute of Technology
"Financial Forecasting, Analysis, and Modelling is packed with invaluable material for anyone looking to plan effectively for the future of a business. The author provides incisive analysis of financial modeling tips, techniques and templates in Excel for analyzing a company's current financial performance as well as forecasting its future one. Everyone interested in the application of financial forecasting and modeling – whether student or seasoned businessman – would profit from reading this book."
—Alex Ypsilanti, CEO and Co-Founder of Quantifeed, Hong Kong (previously served as Managing Director and research analyst in equity derivatives and quantitative investment strategies with Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch)
About the Author
MICHAEL SAMONAS is a finance professional with extensive experience in Financial Planning, Analysis and Modelling. He is currently the Group CFO of SIDMA S.A, a member of Viohalco Group of companies. He has worked in the past for various multinationals including Vodafone S.A. and Hellenic Telecommunications Organization conducting a range of models for business planning, valuations, mergers, projects and data analysis. For a number of years Michael was instructor at the School of Business & Economics of the University of Laverne, Athens Campus.
Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Very basic
By Jackal
Some basics of what a financial statement is. Then we are told how to build an Excel spreadsheet with a model. We even get screen shots from dialog boxes in Excel. The author tops it up with some discussion on valuation. Everything is very basic. By McKinsey's book "Valuation" instead
1 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Loved it.
Just what I needed. Loved it.
1 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent content in this book
By Mr steven m o'neill
Excellent content in this book, though binding on the first two chapters was falling apart on receipt of the book
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